More than a kiss..

“While we don’t often think of them in this way, human lips are the body’s most exposed erogenous zone.  Packed with sensitive nerve endings, even a light brush sends a cascade of information to our brains helping us to decide whether we want to continue and what might happen next.

 Lip contact involves five of our 12 cranial nerves as we engage all of our senses to learn, more about a partner.  Electric impulses bounce between the brain, lips, tongue and skin, which can lead to the feeling of being on a natural “high” because of a potent cocktail of chemical messengers involved.

 A passionate Kiss acts like a drug, causing us to crave the other person thanks to a neurotransmitter called dopamine.  This is the same substance involved in taking illegal substances such as cocaine, which is why the novelty of a new romance can feel so addictive.  Dopamine is involved in sensations of reward, making us feel intense desire that can lead to feeling of euphoria, insomnia, and loss of appetite, and it is only one actor in the great chemical ballet happening in our bodies.

And then there are physical changes.  A kiss can cause our blood vessels to dilate, our pulse to quicken and cheeks to flush… In other words, the body’s response mirrors many of the symptoms frequently associated with falling in love.” Wow, there is a lot of detail God put into one simple kiss.

I wanted to take a moment to draw this into our lives right now. I know the stresses of being quarantined together could be getting to you (let’s be real!). Spending a lot of time together can be a cure for some relationship struggles, or it can make them worse.  If we are not careful, minor issues can then escalate into bigger issues or even fights. If you’re not really used to sharing you space, you may feel like your daily routine and rhythm are being disrupted. On the other hand, you may be the one struggling to find a place in your own home; Snippy tones may be coming your way (which probably has nothing to do with you).However you may be feeling, choose to think positive thoughts about the person you love!For a lot of us our lives went from being extremely busy to coming to a complete halt. We have to remember that there is a lot of stress that can come with this. If you are having some problems with your loved one or your spouse, something that may help is remembering that being quarantined in your home doesn’t mean you have to do everything together. Take some time for yourself during the day too. Take that bath you’ve been talking about, read a book, organize your closet, clean the garage. Most importantly, remember that at some point, this too shall pass! Also in the meantime though, why not take advantage of the opportunity to make some memories with your loved ones you are quarantined with? Make a coffee/tea time, watch your wedding video or review your wedding photos, watch uplifting/romantic movies, read and pray together, or just start some positive, healthy habits together!May we look back on these times and say “even though there were hardships, our marriage and family are stronger for it!”  Let’s make the best of these times, and for you couples out there, don’t forget to rekindle your relationship with a kiss that’s not just a kiss!Proverbs 15:18 says “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.”Song of Solomon 1:2 says “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for your love is more delightful than wine.”

Sheril Kirschenbau, The Science of Kissing

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