A Cry For God, For His Leading And Purpose

A cry for God's will

Have you ever just needed a good cry for yourself? How about a cry for God, a cry for His leading and purpose?

“Oh Lord, drag me to your purpose.”

From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

-Psalms 61:2

If you’re going through a difficult time, if you’re in need of direction, or your heart is feeling faint; follow the example of the Psalmist in the scripture above. It’s what our soul needs, a good cry for God.

Unfortunately it’s inherent in our nature to want to do our own thing. As a result, we often find ourselves at our wits end. I encourage you, there is no better time to cry out for God.

As I’ve gotten older, it has finally penetrated my brain that when I pray, God truly hears it! Knowing that, I trust Him and choose to leave the rest in His hands. Then, I wait for His direction.

Sometimes it’s an open door that He provides, and I take baby steps through it. But until I know the next direction, I wait again.

On the other hand, there are times when I wait and listen for direction but He is silent. Also, there are occasions when I don’t particularly care for the direction He is sending me in. In either case, those are the times I cry out to Him to show me and drag me to His purpose.

Even in desperate times when I’m having a cry for God, I rest knowing He is faithful to lead and guide me by His Word (Psalm 119:105) and His Spirit. (John 16:13), even when I might not understand it.

The end result is this: when you surrender to God’s leading and purpose for your life, that’s when you will truly begin to live.

Additional Pages From Inspired Talk Today: “Amazing Women of The Bible

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