A Famine Within

A Famine Within

Have you ever experienced a famine within, a spiritual famine?

River Nile in Egypt.

Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number.” -Genesis 47:27

At the time of this scripture a severe famine was taking place in Egypt, Canaan, where the Israelites lived and many other nations around the world.

Some years earlier, God warned Pharaoh through a dream to prepare for the 7 years of famine that was going to take place. Because Pharaoh heeded God’s warning, there was grain to be found in the land of Egypt.

After a few years of the famine, the sovereignty of God opened doors which lead the Israelites to the land of Egypt. There they would have plenty of food for their family and livestock. While the Israelites had plenty; the people of Egypt who didn’t serve Jehovah, were selling everything they had and struggling to survive. Genesis 47

Experiencing A Spiritual Famine

Reading this story took me back to a time when I was going through a great struggle of my own. This trial left me feeling as if there was a spiritual famine going on in my life, and all around me.

My struggle within was so severe it was the only thing I could focus on, which also caused a famine from feeling the presence of God.

Believing The Lies

It all began because I had allowed the enemy to penetrate my mind. He flooded my thinking with thoughts and lies that were damaging to my womanhood.

These were the thoughts those lies consisted of:

  • You are getting older, and you are unattractive
  • Your children are grown and have moved on, you are not needed anymore
  • You are useless
  • You are worthless
  • You have no purpose

The list could go on but I think you get the picture of the struggle I was facing.

God Is Always With His People

Even though I was praying, reading and was familiar with the scripture where God says; He will never leave me nor forsake me” (Deuteronomy 31:8), I still felt far from the Lord. The pattern continued for months until one day something I considered miraculous, happened to me.

On that particular day I remember feeling down and anxious, and those feelings lingered until I took a break for lunch.

As I sat eating and looking down at the ground just ahead of me, I noticed something sparkling. So I made my way over to see what it could be, and to my surprise it was a ring. Matter of fact, it was a beautiful diamond anniversary ring.

After the shock of finding it, I was overwhelmed with a peaceful feeling. Inside of me I felt the Lord say; “You are worth far more than rubies”(Proverbs 31:10).

No one ever claimed the lost ring, and I knew it was a tangible gift from God to me. Although my struggle failed to compare to a famine, God was faithful to shower His blessing to me. Not only in a physical manifestation but a spiritual one also.

If you are in the midst of a spiritual famine right now, I encourage you to hold on to who God is and what He promises His people. He is always with you, and He will provide what you need at exactly the right time. Trust Him.

My Prayer

I Thank you God for blessing us even in times of famine. You are always faithful in showing your people favor. I thank you for all the times you assured me of your love and my worth, in a way that speaks to me intimately. Continue to teach me Your ways, in Jesus name I pray.

The links below are to help you remember God is always with you, that He is good and we are loved. Thanks for reading Inspired talk today, and hope you have a blessed day.

Scriptures of God With Us

Good and Loved” By Travis Greene & Stephany Gretzinger

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