A New Year’s Resolution That’s Good For The Soul

A New Year's Resolution That's Good For The Soul

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”

Matthew 5:23-24
A New Year's Resolution That's Good For The Soul

Have you ever considered a New Year’s Resolution that is good for your soul?

In 2020 a Finder survey revealed that over 141.1 million adult Americans were planning on making a New Year’s resolution for 2021. That’s a lot of people!

The most common resolutions people tend to make are:

  • Dieting and better eating habits
  • Exercise more
  • Quit a bad habit
  • Get organized
  • Save more money/spend less
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Travel
  • Relax more
  • Enjoy life/improve life style
  • Change an undesired trait or behavior

What New Year’s resolution are you contemplating this year?

As I looked into the statistics on the success people have making New Year’s resolutions, what I found was not very encouraging. Statistics show, only 9% of people who make resolutions keep them all year through the year but, don’t get discouraged, keep on trying, and turn to the Lord for help.

While setting healthy goals for your body are good to make: I thought, what about the soul? For instance, forgiving yourself for this past years mistakes and forgiving others. I’m not quite sure which one of the two is harder to do but both are necessary to have a healthy soul and body. Sometimes, we make mistakes and bad choices. At times, we react poorly to situations and we can often hurt people’s feelings. When that happens, there are a few things we should always try to do:

  • Acknowledge our behavior
  • Apologize
  • Try to make amends
  • Move on

It may not be something we intentionally or necessarily did wrong. However, the scripture above found in Matthew 5 tells us; if our brother has something against us go and be reconciled to him.

The Bible encourages us to forgive and to keep the peace if it is in our power to do so. That includes, when we sense someone who may have an ought against us. When we try to reconcile with someone, we are not responsible for their response. We are only asked to make the effort to make amends.

Whatever God asks of us, it is because they it’s in our best interest. He always wants the best for us, both body and soul.

So this New Year’s, incorporate both body and soul in your resolution. Also, ask God for His help and strength in helping you be successful. But remember to forgive yourself if and when you fall short.

Related Blog: New Year, New Perspective

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