Alive and Active

When I was a young Christian I didn’t understand what the scripture in Hebrews 4:12 meant by; “the Word of God is alive and active.”  As time went on, I looked to the Holy Spirit to give me knowledge. My eyes began to open as I experienced firsthand how the Bible was alive and active. For instance, Isaiah 9:6;

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on His shoulders.
 He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

I’ve read and heard this scripture many times, especially at this time of year when we celebrate Christmas. However, the last time I read it a whole new meaning touched my heart.  I saw a beautiful depiction of the Trinity, and the benefits we have through each one of them. 

Jesus was sent by God His father to be our savior in the flesh.  His Holy Spirit, we can seek for comfort when we are downcast, advice when we need counsel, and guidance to help us make decisions for each day.  He is our Mighty God, full of power, wisdom and knowledge.  He is our Everlasting Father who protects, provides, and loves us.  He is always there; He will never pass away or abandon us. He is a true Father one we can trust to always do what’s best for us.

As we learn to trust the Trinity in all these aspects we will feel God speak to our heart through His Word by His Spirit, we will feel His love, and be filled with the peace that only Jesus can give.

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