Are You Comfortable?

After a long day, I look forward to getting home and changing into my comfy cozy sweatpants, or pj’s.  In the winter I’m at my worst, some mornings I find it hard to get out of bed with the air being cool and I’m warm and comfortable under my covers. In the evenings, between the cold and the early sun set, all I want to do is cuddle up in front of my fireplace and read.

However, I don’t think that’s the comfortable this quote is speaking of.  But just like I become unproductive and lazy in the winter months, we too become unproductive in our spiritual life when we become too comfortable.

In Acts 8 it tells about persecution which broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and because of it most of the believers were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.  After they scattered in verse 4 it says “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” It wasn’t until God stirred up their comfort zone that they became productive for the Kingdom of God. 

In time, not only did Jesus’ followers turn the world upside down, but eternally saved lives by sharing the Gospel to a lost and dying world. 

While it’s healthy for us to take a break, relax and clear our mind, let’s not get too comfy cozy in our spiritual life, and being lazy in the work of the Lord.

Lord I thank you that You are a God who gives us rest.
While we rest in You, fill and refresh us for the work you have called us to for Your Kingdom. 
May we be your hands and feet on this earth, with diligent hearts to help those around us, and point them to You.  In Jesus name I pray.

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