Avoid Shattered Glass

Avoid Shattered Glass

Have you ever felt something inside guiding you to do, or not to do something? Some might call it “a gut feeling,” or “the voice in your head.” What do you call it when those moments of prompting occur? And how do you avoid the shattered glass when you don’t heed the warning?

The other day after dinner, I went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather we were having. I reclined on my patio chair reading my favorite magazine, until it got so dark I couldn’t see. That’s when I went inside but I had forgotten to close the umbrella to the patio table. Even though it’s in an iron stand if it get’s real windy, it will blow over. Therefore, I always close it so it doesn’t get broken.

The next morning as I was getting ready to walk out the door for work, I remembered that I had left the umbrella open from the night before. I then changed directions, and headed for the sliding door which lead to the deck where my patio set is. Regretfully, I stopped and thought to myself “the weather doesn’t call for any wind or storms, it will be fine.” As I turned back around to leave for work, I felt something telling me to go close up the umbrella, however, I didn’t heed the warning.

The Result of Not Heeding The Warning

Later on that day, I pulled up to my house and walked to the front door. As soon as I reached for the door handle, I heard a loud crash. I knew in my heart exactly what the sound was. Yet, all I could do was hang my head, and asked myself “why didn’t I listen?”

Moments later, I went into the house and immediately looked out through my sliding doors onto the deck. Sure enough, it was like a nightmare had come true. The wind had lifted the umbrella, and it’s metal pole hit the table breaking it. There on my deck sat a million little pieces of shattered glass.

Spiritualizing My Experience

After I spent an hour and a half cleaning up all the shattered glass, I finally sat down to rest. That’s when I began spiritualizing my unfortunate experience. By remembering times past, when I didn’t listen to the Holy Spirit leading me. That inner voice guiding me to do, or not do, something very specific.

Whether I felt prompting to speak to a specific person words of encouragement, or words of rebuke. Or, just clearly hearing the Holy Spirit warning me not to make a certain decision. Because it would take me in a direction I wouldn’t want to go in. Whatever the case, there have been many times I felt His voice guiding me. And I believe this incident with the shattered glass, was one of them.

Maybe your in a situation that you don’t think is critical, and you feel confident making your own decision. For instance; Perhaps there is an employment opportunity set before you but your not sure if it will affect your family in a negative way. However, the salary is good so you’re about to accept the position. Yet, there is something inside telling you “this is not the job for you.” I would caution you to pray before accepting it. God wants the best for you, and your family. It might just be, He’s trying to save you a lot of turmoil in your relationships.

Unfortunately, most of the times when I didn’t listen, and chose my own path it left my life shattered like broken glass. But in God’s goodness He always restored me, and put me back together when my focus returned to Him.

Maybe, not following the Holy Spirit’s leading hasn’t left you with literal shattered glass. But, it has left you with a shattered heart. Fortunately, God is also our healer. Not only of physically ailments but also of a broken spirit/heart.

“He heals the brokenhearted
    and binds up their wounds”.

Psalm 147:3

So again, I ask you; “what do you call it when you have those moments of prompting?” I call it the Holy Spirit. If you are a child of God, Scripture says; “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.” (1 John 2:27)

So, when you feel the prompting of God’s Spirit embrace it. It’s His way of showing concern, and love for you as a father would.

What once left us spiritually shattered with no hope for our sin, God has fixed through His Son.

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