Being Real

I am going to be very real with you today.
I will start by taking the mask off and telling you about the meltdown I had yesterday.

Recently I started blogging and I have been really enjoying the experience. I felt a call in my life to share inspirational thoughts and real life experiences with you, the reader. I couldn’t have begun without the support of my husband and the help of my younger daughter since it has been awhile that I’ve sat down to do any substantial amount of writing. I am rusty in my writing and I needed to be oiled.

With that being said, yesterday as I was writing my blog my younger son sent a text correcting my grammar.  Do not get me wrong, I really appreciate all the help I can get. It was one just of those moments (you might be tempted to call it a menopause moment), but it was more than what I expected. I was at the point where I started an emotional downward spiral. The pity party had begun and I had opened the door just enough for the devil to stick his foot in. 

The feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and the lack of independency filled my soul.
I went on thinking to myself, “you won’t be able to do it, just quit now. Why waste anymore time? You will never be good enough to make a difference.” I allowed the negative thinking to continue a little longer with thoughts like “the only thing you have ever known is being a wife and a mother. You have never done anything significant.”

As the tears flowed in a steady stream, that’s where I drew the line. I knew that these thoughts were just lies from the pit of hell!! Just a wife and mother? REALLY?!! I knew at that point I had to resist the enemy and his lies, and fight with what I knew to be true.

In my opinion, being a spouse and a parent are the most important rolls you could have. It comes with a lot of responsibilities. You are shaping the worlds future when you are raising children and you are accountable to God for the way you are raising them. Being a mother/father/caregiver is one of the most sacrificial things you could ever do. You sacrifice time, energy, money, a social life, sleep, and sometimes even your health. You change your priorities because you care about someone else more than yourself.

So devil, I say to you, “you are a liar and the father of lies. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

When I began to focus my thoughts away from the negative, I began to feel the strength that I felt had been zapped from me return. I know if the Lord has equipped me with what I need to be a wife for over thirty years, a mother of four grown children, a grandmother of five {so far},  He will equip me with what I need to fulfill His purpose for the rest of my life.

While there isn’t anything wrong with throwing a pity party now and then or having a good cry for yourself, don’t believe the lies and the negative thoughts. Each and every one of us, whether you are single, married, a mother or father, young or old, you are a significant part of life.  You matter. And God has created you for a purpose!

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