Celebrating Family

Celebrating Family
Derby Day – In Honor of Nana Helen

Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day have passed us by and today we celebrate Father’s Day. For some they are days of celebration, and for others days of sorrow as we remember those we loved and lost.

The People We Cherish

Family has always been very important to me, but the older I get the more precious my time is with them. It’s a realization of the scripture in Proverbs 27:1, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” and because of that, I try not to take the time I have with them for granted.

There is a saying I came across from an unknown author that I felt was a beautiful description of what a family should and could look like:

Family means loving unconditionally and without boundaries.
It means being forever grateful for one another
and giving each other strength and encouragement.
Family means forgiving freely and often.
A family shares meals together and laughs together with joyous hearts.
A family shares moments, sorrows, joys, and dreams.
Family means supporting, respecting, and accepting one another.
It means giving generously and loving unselfishly.
Family is compromise and gratitude.
A family strengthens and inspires each other.
It means always having someone who loves you.
It means you are a part of something wonderful.

So I encourage you, whoever you call family make them a priority and enjoy them while it is still called today.

Happy Father’s Day

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