Conflict With Time

Conflict With Time
Prioritizing your time

Over the past year I’ve had what I call a conflict with time. I’ve complained every week that there are just not enough hours in a day; there’s not enough time to do the things I have to do (never mind having the time to do the things I want to do).

My complaining lasted for months, until I was sick and tired of hearing myself complain. That’s when I started to analyze my life. I knew I had to make changes where they needed to be made, so I could make time and enjoy my life.

One of the areas I found I was lacking in was routine. I had no routine, which I shared with you in my blog: “Lessons From Luke-The Importance of Routine” In that blog I covered the benefits of a routine and some practical ways to achieve one.

Since then I’ve taken my own advice and began a routine. It’s helped improve this conflict with time in the areas of work, errands, etc. However, it didn’t seem to help with expanding my time for the things I want to do. You know, those simple pleasures in life.

My Life’s Simple Pleasures

Even though everyone’s simple pleasures may be a little different, mine look something like this:

  • Going on dates with my husband
  • Spending quality time with family
  • Finding time for our grandchildren’s activities
  • Having dinner or sharing an event with friends
  • Enjoying the outdoors
  • Exercising
  • Reading in my comfy chair

Going Back To The Drawing Board

Unfortunately I found myself back at the drawing board, trying to figure out what I could do differently to make more time for the things I enjoyed doing. After deep consideration, my findings were simple. I just needed to make those things that are important to me first priority, and not stress about the rest!

How I Realized My Top 5 Priorities

God helped me to realize I needed to put on love first everyday. You might ask, what does putting on love look like? For me, it is as simple as making the important people in my life a priority which includes:

  • Loving God by reading and communing with Him everyday
  • Showing love for my spouse by setting aside quality time each day – Even if it’s a short time just to connect. Then committing to a date night and putting it on the calendar, once a week or month.
  • Arranging and committing to a family night once a week, or month – Whatever is suiting for your family, it’s the commitment that matters.
  • Reaching out to friends and committing to a date with them – Even if it means putting a date in the calendar that’s two months away. If you don’t pen it in something else will fill the spot.
  • Loving myself – By taking a break, or doing whatever it is in life that brings me a little of joy, and respite.

What Changes Do You Need To Make In Your Priority List?

Along the way I’ve had to make some changes, and cut some elements out of my life. I’ve also realized that keeping a cleanly house, a neatly landscaped yard, etc., is not a priority if I had to choose between that and spending time with those I love.

I hope this blog will help people realize that they have more control over their time than they thought.

I always encourage you to share your thoughts, and ideas here at Inspired Talk Today’s comment section. Who knows, you might make a difference in someone’s life.

Thanks for reading.

This time of year brings darkness early, but don’t start to hibernate yet. Check out one of my favorites of God’s creations: Best night sky events of October 2021 (stargazing maps)

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