Do You Believe In Angels?

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91: 11&12

I do, believe in angels.  Not only because the Bible tells me so but because of a personal experience I once had many years ago. It wasn’t a huge announcement like Mary got from the angel Gabriel.  When he came to inform her that God had chosen her to carry and give birth to his son, through a miraculous pregnancy.  There were no angels coming to destroy my enemies, like in the days of Elisha. However, it was miraculous in my eyes, and one which had no other

Off the kitchen was a small hall that lead to the bathroom which was about fifteen feet from where she was sitting.  As she ate I quickly went into the bathroom to grab a face cloth.  To my surprise, when I came back I found Marissa sitting on the floor. 

It was a typical day approximately 29 years ago. Our daughter Marissa was around 14 months old. I was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Marissa was there with me sitting in her high chair. I had buckled her in and attached the tray, like I always did. She was enjoying lunch eating some of her favorite foods; Gerber “Lil Sticks” and cooked carrots.

At first I was stunned and did a double take. I then rushed over and swept her up off the floor.  Assuming she had fallen, I began examining her for injuries. Fortunately, there was no evidence of her being hurt.  After a sigh of relief I realized she wasn’t even crying.  The situation left me feeling confused as to what just happened.

A minute or so later, I looked down into the chair and noticed the straps that held her were still buckled.  This totally baffled me and left me wondering; “how then could she have gotten out of the chair?”

After pondering this question for a few minutes my conclusion was simple; “she somehow squeezed herself through them.” After all, this was the only logical explanation. Until I realized, I never heard a thump, bang, or any other sound indicating a fall had taken place. At her age she didn’t have the ability to climb over the tray, lower herself onto the floor without falling, or making a sound. It just wasn’t possible.

The Unexplained

There was no clear answer to explain how our 14 month old daughter ended up on the floor unharmed. However, I remember feeling a certain presence with us. One I never felt before, or have ever since.

You Decide

I read an article written about angels from “Faith Community Church” I found interesting. Especially this particular portion they had labeled as the Introduction:

“Sometimes it’s just the kindness of stranger, sometimes it’s just a close call, sometimes it’s a last minute rescue and sometimes there is no way to explain it away. Sometimes it’s angels that have made the difference between being here or not.”

You can come to your own conclusion on the events of that day. However, there isn’t any doubt in my mind it was an angel who visited us in our home, all those years ago.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 18:10 ESV

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