God’s Faithfulness To Provide and Save

Today I share with you a unique story of how God is faithful, how He provided me with assurance when I needed it the most, through an unexpected messenger.

It took place approximately three weeks after the stay-at-home order began from the covid-19 virus outbreak.

Restaurants, bars, and companies were closing and my husband who is self employed, had to push back all our jobs until the end of May. This meant two and a half months with no income for us!

Needless to say, I was very concerned. My thoughts automatically went to the “what if” and “How are we” mode. All kinds of worry and anxiety started to fill my soul and I began to panic.

However, I tried to focus my thoughts where they needed to be; On remembering the faithfulness of God throughout the years.

God Was Faithful Throughout The Years

My husband and I have been walking consistently with the Lord for 30 years. Over those years, God has always been faithful to provide, guide, and lead us. He has always shown us the things we had to do to get where He wanted us to be. There’s also been times when we weren’t suppose to do anything. Only, sit back and watch Him open doors for us to walk through. I knew I had to focus on God’s word and his promises to help us get through this.

The morning this was taking place, I decided to listen to a sermon from a local pastor in order to keep my mind focused on God.

God Is Faithful To Save

It was a message about God being worthy of our praise. The pastor talked about God’s creation, and how sometimes we take it for granted and even complain about it. His first topic was about the snow, and the scripture he referred to in the bible was Isaiah 1:18:

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

He continued to say, “when we see the snow, instead of complaining about it we should remember God’s forgiveness. And that alone should cause us to worship Him.”

While I was listening to the message, I was sitting at my vanity putting on my make up when all of a sudden I heard this noise coming from the window where I was sitting. I looked over and a bird had flown onto the window and was just sitting there! My first thought was “how cute, I wish I had my camera!” Then I thought, “why is he just sitting there?” A minute later, the bird flew away and I focused back on the pastor’s preaching.

After finishing up with the topic of the snow, he went on to say, “now I’d like to talk about birds.” Then the pastor began to tell a story of a time he was visiting with friends. He told how beautiful he thought it was seeing so many birds flying along the river where his friend lived.

God Is Faithful To Provide

From there, he shared the scripture in the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 26 when Jesus said; “Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?”

The pastor continued to say, “So when we see a bird, it should make us want to worship God because He is our provider, Jehovah Jireh.”

I could hardly finish listening to the rest of the sermon because I couldn’t contain the tears. The feelings in my heart of appreciation, and thankfulness were overwhelming.
I was also astonished at the thought of God, the creator of everything, sending a bird and a pastor’s message at that specific time to convey His love. And how He comforted me, at the exact time I needed it!

With God There Are No Coincidences.

A couple of days later, when I was telling our oldest daughter the experience I had, she responded with “wow I just used that scripture to encourage Gracie, {my granddaughter} and her friend.” Our daughter used that scripture to reassure Gracie that God would take care of her, know matter what is going on in the world.

After telling my daughter what happened, I mentioned what happened to my brother. He was also amazed. Earlier that day, The Lord used that same scripture to minister and speak to his heart about the situation he was going through.

I love the faithfulness of God! How He takes the time to speak to us, and then He confirms His word to us through someone else, so we can’t say “it was just a coincidence.”

Over the next couple of weeks, there have been three separate occasions when we’ve found a bird in our attic. Each time, it reminded my husband and I that the God of the universe is in control. The Bible reassures us that He will work all things out for our good because we love Him (Romans 8:28). The question is, do you believe He will?

“Goodness of God” – Song by Jenn Johnson and Bethel Music

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