Here’s My Heart Lord-Celebrating At The Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

In just under two weeks our younger daughter will be getting married.  She will be giving and committing her heart to another person for the rest of her life on this earth.

We celebrated her bachelorette party at The Lights Lantern Fest a couple of weeks ago. It was my first time there and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

When we arrived and after parking, we entered the fairgrounds and were given a package that had a paper lantern in it.  We also received a black marker and a trash bag. Being my first time, I had no idea what the plan was for any of these items.

Walking ahead, we picked an area to lay our blankets down and set up our chairs. 

Once we got settled, we broke out the snacks and the live music began playing 1980’s music which was the theme for the night.

Things That Draw People And Hearts Together

As I looked around, I noticed people of all nationalities. This sparked my curiosity, and I wondered what was going to be so special about the night that it drew in a couple thousand people? Soon, I was about to find out.

As the sun began to set a huge fire pit was lit in the middle of the field. Then the speaker/singer made an announcement. If there was anyone who wanted to come up and write down things that were troubling them or something they needed to let go of then cast it into the fire.  A symbol of releasing and letting go. I’m sure for some it must have felt freeing.

For me gazing into a fire is one of my favorite things to do.  So, it was no surprise that’s where I ended up when my daughter asked if I wanted to take a walk. 

It touched my heart to see people putting a piece of hurt that was in their heart on a piece of paper and truly releasing it into the fire.  It brought tears to my heart. 

After watching for a while at the fire, we took a little walk. At that point, people all around began writing on their lanterns with the black marker they received at the beginning of the night. I wasn’t quite sure what that was all about. 

Words of the heart

When we got back to where we were sitting, I asked some of the girls what they were writing.  One, put some of her favorite sayings. Another wrote a letter to her father who had passed away.  My older daughter wrote her favorite quote to her husband.  Others wrote about their desires and dreams they have for their future.

Here’s My Heart

I sat there listening and watching as peace and contentment filled my soul.  At that moment, there was not one thing I desired or a goal I wanted to fulfill except one.  I wanted Jesus to know, He had my heart.

My mind was only focused on Him as if there was nothing else going on around me. I felt like I was the only person in that field.  Subsequently, realizing that it was His peace and contentment that I was feeling.

Here's my heart Lord

With that being said, I wrote on my lantern “Here’s my heart Lord.” My heart was so filled with gratitude for the night, the people I love, and the life He’s given me, and my heart was the only thing I could give to show my appreciation.

Working together

After the darkness set in it was time to start lighting our lanterns.  It took teamwork to get them lit and into flight, but it was so awesome doing it together.

Touching my heart

As each of us lit and released our lantern we just stood there looking up, some with tears in our eyes. It was a beautiful sight hundreds, and maybe a thousand lanterns in flight at the same time. An experience I’m glad I got to share with my girls and one I will never forget.

“And He (Jesus) answered, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. – Luke 10:27

Solving The World’s Problem

However, waiting for almost an hour to leave the parking lot got me thinking about some things.  For instance, how I wish more people would give their hearts to God.  The world would certainly be a better place if they did. 

From there, my brain went into overtime.and I began to wonder and think about some of the reasons why people may not give their hearts to Him. Is it possible that people think they are self-sufficient, and they don’t need help?  Maybe, they think God is a kill joy who has too many rules and feel they would have to give up things they enjoy. Or maybe, it’s because some tv pastors gave God a bad rap always asking for money.  Well FYI, the creator of the universe doesn’t need your money to accomplish His purpose.  Jesus doesn’t ask for your treasure before your heart.  Because once He has your heart, He rarely will have to ask for your treasure.  When He has your heart, your eyes will be open to spiritual things. Then you will see the love he has for the needy and your heart will be moved on its own to give.

Where Do You Find Your Heart?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

On the day our daughter officially gives her heart to her husband, I pray that he not only loves and cherishes her but also the Jesus that lives in her heart.

So, I leave you to think about this; who or what has your heart, and is it the best place to entrust it?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the day.

“Here’s My Heart Lord” – By Lauren Daigle

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