Humbly Bowing With Awe And Reverence Of God

Humbly Bowing With Awe And Reverence Of God
Humbly Bowing With Awe And Reverence Of God
Photo by Young Life Photography

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7

When my children were teenagers, I remember how I longed to be their friend.  However, it wasn’t the appropriate time being the age they were.  They weren’t mature enough to handle the line I would have to walk between love, discipline and friendship.  I felt that being their friend the way they understood friendship, would’ve caused them to lose respect for me as a parent. 

Now that they are all adults, I am enjoying the benefits of friendship with all four of them.  I have a unique relationship with each one which was built over time in love, and with respect.

It’s the same principle we must have with The Lord.  Although we can approach Our Heavenly Father’s throne with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) because of what Jesus did, there is also a time I need to humbly bend the knee.

There is a line of respect we must not cross in our relationship with Him. Even though Jesus is our friend that sticks closer than a brother, we must not forget to reverence Him as our King.

Humbly Bowing With Awe and Reverence Will Make a Difference

As believers in Christ we can make a difference in the world, by praying and seeking The Lord’s will with a humble heart. When we do this, we will find joy in His presence that will be contagiously desired.

Related Blog: Humbling Yourself Before God

Marriage: One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day (Days 22-28)

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