Finding Peace In The Darkness

Psalm 16:7 I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
    even at night my heart instructs me.

I’m finding as I get older, there are many occasions where I spend more time with the Lord during the middle of the night than I do during the day.  At first I was stressed out and laid awake in a state of panic, but now I’ve learned to relax and enjoy the time spent with the Lord.

The ability to stay calm during those nights is only because of God’s faithfulness. He gives me miraculous strength throughout the day, when I should be no more than a zombie with the amount of sleep I acquired. I’ve actually found the next day I accomplish more with less sleep but more of God, than I do on an ordinary day.

Although it is less frequent, I now enjoy the quiet time at night that I spend with the Father.  I am thankful He used that time to make me wiser in the knowledge of Him, and I also find my faith and trust in Him has grown even stronger because of it.

Thank you Lord for your love.

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