In Your Presence

I have been busy all week getting things ready for my family who flew in today from out of state.
In the process of the business, I allowed it to take my focus off of The Lord.  I was still reading my bible but I haven’t been worshiping God the way I usually do. 

On my way to the airport , I put some worship music on and began to worship Jesus, something I was doing on a regular basis but stopped because I allowed the business In my life to take first place.  Forgive me Lord!

Lately, I’ve found myself being numb of feelings, joyless, powerless, and I was just going through the motions instead of enjoying my life. 

However, when I began to worship in my car on the way to the airport today, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit reviving me. As I continued to worship and focus on the Name of Jesus, the joy and power that I was lacking was now returning.

This week I will be spending time with all my favorite people in the world, but I will make sure not to neglect spending time with the one who holds my heart. 

Take a look at your life this week and ask yourself  “Are my priorities in the order they should be?” Is God taken first place in your life or have you put Him somewhere on the bottom of your to do list?

I thank you Lord for you faithfulness, and for showing me I am nothing without you!
I pray the ones in my family that don’t know you intimately yet, will see your love and joy shine in my life.
Help me to be a good example of You and a sweet aroma, that will attrack them to want to know You.  In Jesus’ Name I pray.

I encourage you to spend time in God’s presence and allow Him to fill you with His joy as He equips you with His power from on high.

Here In Your Presence

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