
As I ended my walk at Brush Creek Park the other day, this sign caught my eye. In capital letters there were the words “STOP THIS INVADER.”

Later on that night, I found out my Facebook account had been hacked, and that an inappropriate photo had been placed on my page.

In a small way, I felt violated. An invader had entered into my private world, and really reeked some havoc.

After this happened, my thoughts somehow reverted back to the sign I had seen earlier that day. The more I thought about everything, the more of a reality it became that an unwelcome intruder could enter our lives at anytime if we are not careful.

Just like that pesky bug, they can damage, or even destroy the very things on this earth that benefit our environment.

Just the same, we can have social invaders that can damage our integrity and reputation.

I love the scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:33:

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

Recognizing Harmful Influences And Invaders In Your Life

There are different categories of invaders. Some destroy, some just antagonize. But one of the most harmful (in my opinion) are those spiritual invaders. You have the one that antagonizes the mind, and then you have the ones that can possess your whole being, such as sin.

4 Ways To Help Eliminate Unwanted Intrusions

While the above photo is referring to a bug/pest, I think there is a lesson we could learn from it’s instructions on what to do when we encounter the invader.

The sign heeds us to do four things:

1: Look – be aware and on guard.

2: Inspect – take inventory of who, and what you are letting into your life.

3: Report – ask God to reveal to you if there is anything in your life that you must remove for the sake of your well being.

4: Destroy – remove it! Ask God for help, and find a support group if it is something that has you bound.

In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul warns Jesus followers before he departs to be aware of the people who would try to invade their lives in a negative way.

Although, this was written many years ago, times change, people don’t:

“I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.”
Acts 20:29-31

Evaluating Your Thoughts And Finding Peace

On the contrary, we must associate and be a light with those who need Christ. However, we should not adapt to anyway that is contrary to our belief in Christ.

The question I have for you today is, “are you heeding warning signs?”

Take inventory of your life. If you find something or someone who maybe slowly decaying you spiritually, or tarnishing your integrity and reputation, then stomp them out (figuratively).

Life is short and trial-some enough without pesky invaders.

Jesus tells us; “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Be an overcomer in Jesus.

Thanks for reading have a great day!


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