Is The Son Your Sun Today?

Last year in Western, PA., where I live, the weather was absolutely beautiful.  It was the sunniest summer and fall we’ve had since moving here sixteen and a half years ago.  However, most winter and early spring days here consist of an overcast sky.  To put it in perspective for you; Pittsburgh ranks fourth in the top 10 cloudiest cities in the US.

Did you know regular sun exposure is the most natural way your body can receive vitamin D?  Depending on your skin tone, the average person only needs 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight several times per week to sustain healthy blood levels.

Effects Of Sun Deficiency

In our area north of Pittsburgh, during the winter months doctors see a spike in vitamin D deficiency due to the lack of sunshine.  A couple of winters ago, my husband fell victim to the deficiency.  At that time the doctor prescribed a high dose of the vitamin which he took for a short time, until his blood levels returned to normal. 

There are health risks and complications which can arise from low levels of vitamin D, such as;

  • Rickets a disease in which the bone tissue doesn’t properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities.
  • Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Cancer
  • Severe asthma in children
  • Cognitive impairment in older adults
  • Depression

Fortunately through certain food, drinks and supplements, we can get the recommended dose of vitamin D needed.  

However, in the same way lack of sunshine can cause a deficiency of a major vitamin which is detrimental to our good health.  So can a lack of The Son of God be detrimental to our spiritual health.

In the bible Jesus declared “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35

Jesus also declares in John 8:12; “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Effects Of Son Deficiency

Are you feeling down, depressed, weak, or unhealthy, spiritually or physically?  If you answered yes to the question, hopefully you will benefit from these suggestions I give below.  

Personally, I find a correlation between my spiritual and physical being.  When my physical life is unhealthy it causes a lack of energy and focus.  Then I am unable to concentrate correctly, and apply myself to those things that will feed my spirit, thus becoming spiritually weak. 

Also, when my spiritual life becomes unhealthy, my physical being suffers too.  As I neglect the things that feed my spirit I find myself being less patient and easily angered.  In turn, it results in stress and anxiety in my physical body causing harm to my health.

Here are my suggestions; eat and drink healthy foods rich in vitamin D.  These are just some examples;  Fish, beef, liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, avocado, melon, peaches, broccoli eggs, cheese, and milk.  Also, get some fresh air and try to soak up as much sun as possible.

Also, load up on the following; the word of God, prayer, and a relationship with Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit.  Allow Him to be the light on your dark days.  Talk to him, and let His presence shine joy on your face, so you can illuminate someone else’s life with His brightness. 

Jesus is my sunshine on the long winter days.  Will you let God’s Son be your light today? 

Links to help you maintain a healthy spiritual and physical body:

Women’s work out:

Men’s work out:

Healthy foods:

Bible Link:

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1 Comment

  1. Patty Pander

    I love your writings… I am encouraged by them. I take vitamin D supplement because I have been diagnosed with the need. I also need my daily dose of Jesus. Love you Cheryl

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