Keep Seeking And You Will Find

4 Bible Verses on The Apple Of My Eye

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  ‘I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord (Jeremiah 29:13-14).

Why does it seem like every time I go to look for something, I can never find it? Even though I have assigned places where I put certain things, it’s still a struggle for me to find some of them when I need to.

Many times, I’ll put something in a specific place in order to remember where it is when I need it. Unfortunately when the time comes, I can’t seem to remember where that specific place was. Does this sound familiar to you, or am I the only one who struggles with this problem?

Losing Patience In The Search

Now that I’m getting older I find myself searching for things more and more, and it wastes a lot of my time. As a result I lose patience, and I will only search for the item so long before taking a break or giving up.

Fortunately, God is not that hard to find. The Bible says; “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalms 145:18). I am thankful God makes it easy for us to find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts, (and not only when we need something.)

Seeking, And Finding God Gives A Sense Of Security

Every day I seek and call on my heavenly father to let Him know I am thankful and acknowledge that He is there with me, and for me. Even though I can’t physically see where He is, I don’t give up seeking for Him as I would anything else. Instead, I cling to His promises; that He is always with me, and He will always love me. In knowing that I find my security, and it makes me want to pursue Him more and more each day.

Lord, I pray we would always trust you and search for you. May we never let our impatience cause us to take a break, or give up on you. I Thank you for your faithfulness to us each day.

Do you pursue God everyday?

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