Morning is Coming

morning is coming

Memorial day weekend has come and gone. My family who was visiting has left, and our county is now in the yellow.  For some of us that means we will return to work and our daily routine, but for some the restrictions are still immobilizing.


Lately, I’ve been hearing people call wearing a mask, “the new norm.” I hope that will not be true for our future. Personally, I don’t think wearing a mask will be permanent. However, after 911 there were changes made for our safety that have become our new norm, but only time will tell what the outcome will be.


In The Midst of Covid

As annoying as the mask is to wear, for a lot of people that is the least of their worries. There are many suffering, and my heart breaks not only for the people who have lost loved ones but also for those who have lost their businesses, or are uncertain about the future of their business.


Sometimes I am left speechless, and don’t know what words to say or write that would bring comfort to the people who are in these situations.  


God’s Love And Promises Are True

Although I don’t always have the words to say, I encourage you with this; In the recent past, when my husband and I were feeling uncertain about how this virus would affect our business and lively hood, I knew the only thing I could do was cling to Jesus.  I had no control over any of the situation but I kept reminding myself daily of His promises, and that no matter what the outcome was going to be, He still loved me and was still worthy of my praise.


I don’t treat God like my genie in the bottle and take him out only when I need something, or try to make things perfect by wishing it to happen. I realize and accept what Jesus said to be true, “In this world we will have troubles, (John 16:33).” However, He didn’t end it there. He also tells us to take heart because He has overcome the world. Overcoming the world and it’s trouble means He has the power to give us the strength we need, and to provide what we need, when we need it, to get us through our difficulties in this life.


In Psalm 30:5 it says:


For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.


The Psalmist was able to write the way he did in the midst of his suffering because he knew God was faithful. He was confident knowing God still favored him even as he waited for the Lord to bring deliverance.


Lord help us to be like the Psalmist and trust you. No matter how bad our circumstances seem right now, or how hopeless the situation is, I pray we would cling to You, and believe that our morning is coming. In Jesus’ Name I pray.


My health may fail,
and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains
the strength of my heart;
He is mine forever.

Ps. 73:26

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