My Husband, My Best Friend

My Husband, My Best Friend

“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

“Over the years how I’ve enjoyed growing together with my husband, my best friend.”

Reaching For The Cookie Together

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The other day my husband and I went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for the luncheon special. After we were done eating we both reached for the fortune cookie the waiter had brought to our table. For some reason I actually look forward to topping off my lunch/dinner with the dry, hardly any flavor, cookie. And I admit, I also enjoy reading the little strip of paper inside, that has a Chinese proverb/fortune printed on it.

For the record, I don’t believe in fortune telling or anything that claims to predict the future. But I do enjoy meaningful quotes. However, the quote above I thought was stupid because we can’t share our souls. My belief is; we are all created by God to have our own soul which we are accountable for. And it is not something we can share.

Later on that evening we were sitting on the sofa watching TV. My husband began commenting on the show we were watching, and halfway through the sentence he paused: That’s when I chimed in to finish the sentence for him.

Ironically, the next thing my husband said reminded me of the quote I read earlier in the fortune cookie:
One of the things I like about being married for so long is how good we know each other. A lot of times, we know what the other is thinking, and I find that kinda cool.

Growing Together Through The Years

It’s been a blessing being married to the man I’ve admired for over 31 years. Besides him being my lover, he’s my best friend. One I can rely on for support when the world around me is chaotic, and nasty. He is someone who I confide in and share my deepest thoughts with. He is also the only one who can make me laugh in my saddest moments.

If it were true we could share our souls; there is no one else on this earth that I would give half my soul to, except my husband.

Happy Father’s Day to the most caring man, husband and father, there is.

More Relationship/Friendship Quotes

Resources to help build a stronger marriage:
“The Power Of A Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian
“For Women Only” by Shanti Feldhahn
“For Men Only” by Shanti and Jeff Feldhahn

Who is your closest friend? Who do you consider to be your soulmate?
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  1. Pat Pander

    Love you lady! Thank you for this reminder.

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