Off Track

The past couple of months have been difficult and frustrating for all of us in one way or another.  I understand first hand some of the challenges that Covid-19 has brought to us.  My husband and I have a close family member suffering from both the virus and pneumonia. In fact they are more than just close family members. He is my father who is suffering from the virus and pneumonia, who probably got the virus from either my step mom or step sister who works in a Massachusetts nursing home. The conditions of the nursing home are horrendous. They are under staffed and the residents are dying all around them. We are praying and trusting the Lord to bring healing.

As I’m sitting in my home on my one acre lot in the middle of a country setting with the population around me being approximately 5,400 people, and I’m 600 miles away from my family, it could be easy for me to forget what their struggles are. In the city they live in the population is approximately 94,654 and is about 11 miles north of Boston. Their area consists of numerous apartment buildings housing hundreds of people, beside single, two and three family homes.

While I don’t agree with everything our government does and says, I am trying to have compassion for those who have lost loved ones and are suffering.

 My husband and I are also small business owners and have been greatly affected financially by the precautions and restrictions required of us, for the safety of ourselves and others.  We are also part of the group of people who just recently got our stimulus checks. Thank you Jesus! However, there were weeks we went with no income at all. Unfortunately, I can say I have some understanding of how these restrictions are affecting the financial stability and well being of our country.

Through this all, we have sought the Lord, and again, He has been faithful.  He has provided for us through the generosity of others and has given my husband wisdom and an open door, to provide for us. 

This period in time has brought out a lot of emotions in us, which has contributed to the further division of people.  Although I share this blog, I do not spend much time online anymore.  I will check for messages and scroll through to see if my family and friends have posted anything humorous or uplifting. There are a lot of stories going around about this virus, some which are true and some that we looked into, and found to be utterly false. 

This is one of the reasons why it is so important, like my Pastor has taught us, to be reading God’s word every day.  By reading the Bible we will gain wisdom.  For example, there are scriptures that tell us not to believe every wind of doctrine that comes our way.  In John 4 it tells us to test the spirits to see if they are from God, because there were (and are) many false prophets.  If God is truth, then anything that is false, is not of God.  When we hear or read stories that are upsetting to us or someone is claiming their information to be a fact, we should take the time to investigate the claim before we consider it truth.

However, there are times when truth is spoken and because it is not convenient for us, or we just don’t like it, we try to negate the fact that it is true. I realized that listening to the media and also viewing social media were not good for me.  Most of the time, I was left with feelings of anxiety, anger and confusion. The negativity, division, and the lack of compassion I was hearing was disheartening for me.  I am keeping myself informed in regards to important information, but I am limiting how I do that.

As believers, we all miss gathering together to worship the Lord and fellowship with one another. However, with all the time now available to us, perhaps we could be using today’s technology and opportunities to reach far more people who need to know the Lord, than even a Sunday service could.

Sometimes it’s hard for me to face situations for what they are, and to face the fact that some things are out of my control. Then I remember scriptures like Lamentations 3:37 which says:

“Who can speak and have it happen
if the Lord has not decreed it?
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
that both calamities and good things

As I acknowledge that God is always in control of every situation, not the government or a certain group of people, I find peace in the storm. 

I am saying these things because they are my feelings, views, opinions, and choices; I am not suggesting you should feel the same way I do, or take on a certain view.

I have always asked the Lord to help me be a good example of Him and to use me to draw people to Himself. Over these past few months I have been asking God to show me how I can make a positive impact on people’s lives.  I want to be a positive influence, encouraging others.

The bible has numerous scriptures about the affects the words we speak have on people.  For instance;
Proverbs 12:18; “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
Proverbs 12:25; “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”
Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

These are a few scriptures that show us the heart of God in regards to the words we speak.

Again, as I was praying the other day and thinking about the desire I have to make a positive impact on people, almost immediately the scripture in Acts 3:6-7 comes to mind.  The scripture tells about the apostles Peter and John as they were going up to the temple, there was a crippled man who asked them for money, and Peter responded by saying;

“Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
Taking him by the hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.

As I was thinking and questioning, “What do I have to offer people in a practical way.”  The two things that kept coming to my mind, was listening and prayer.  God is always with us as we go through trials, difficulties in life, and He always hears us, but sometimes we need to know in a tangible way, there is someone listening.  

I think this is a great opportunity for the church of God to show the love of Christ by reaching out to those who are not familiar with His love or His Word.

As we show the love of Christ with compassion it will bring peace to those who are in turmoil and living in fear. When we show His love, it will lead them to read His Word, which will fill them with wisdom and able them to read the signs of the times and decide for themselves the perfect will for their lives.

After much consideration I came to a decision on how I can allow God to use me in this specific time of my life. I would like to avail my blog and website as an opportunity to listen and pray for those in need.

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I am not a counselor, but I am a good listener. You may share what’s on your heart, leave a prayer request or just your first name and ask me to pray.

God Bless You

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