One seed at a time

Sometimes we forget as Christians that we are co-workers in God’s service, (1 Corinthians 39) not the Holy Spirit himself.  There are occasions in our lives when we care about people so much, (which is a good thing), but when we don’t see their life style or views changing we start to feel as if all our conversations with them about the Lord have been in vain.  Also, it can make us think we are failing at the job God gave us, which is to go and preach the gospel.

However, if we spend time in God’s word we will learn the will of the Father for our lives.  Jesus never said to us “you have to make people believe in me.”  No, what Jesus said in Mark 16:15 was; “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” In this scripture Jesus calls us to tell people about Him, and what He has done for the world.  After we have done that, we are to share our personal experience about how we came to know Jesus, which is our testimony.  As you tell your testimony and follow Jesus’ example, the people you care about will see you becoming more like Him, and may want follow. (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Although it is our responsibility to share Jesus when the opportunity presents itself, it is never our responsibility for people to accept the truth of Jesus Christ.  In 1 Corinthians Chapter 3: 6-7 the Apostle Paul is speaking and he describes it like this; “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

We clearly see it is only God who can make His word grow and be fruitful in someone’s life. So do not be discouraged when we don’t see immediate results from our witnessing to others. Remember God is love and He is the faithful one, He knows how to reach the heart of man.  One person may need a little more watering than the other, but in God’s timing He will make something beautiful grow from the seed that has been planted.

Lord, I pray that we would be faithful in fulfilling what you have called us to do, telling and pointing people to Jesus.

Give us a heart to love others like you do.  May we also be patient in waiting for the seed to grow that has been planted.  Help us to follow Your Spirit and not move ahead of you, and give us wisdom to know how to care for the seedling that you’ve caused to grow, so we do not over water it.  In Jesus name I pray.

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1 Comment

  1. Tammy

    Great message Cheryl!!

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