Practical Ideas For Healthier Looking Hair

Practical Ideas For Healthier Looking Hair
Practical ideas For Healthier Looking Hair

This isn’t my typical blog, but occasionally I enjoy writing about other informational topics. So today, I will be talking to you about alternatives to expensive hair products. The focus will be on less expensive, and common practical ideas for healthier looking hair.

Over the years, I’ve been reading certain magazines. You can call me old fashion, but I still enjoy turning the pages and looking at the pictures. There is something special about doing it that Pinterest and the internet just can’t give.

However, recently I’ve found myself being critical of some of the articles published in them. For instance, an article promoting expensive hair care products. There were products for fine hair, curly hair, smoothing frizz, cutting yellow tones, and boosting body.

I find myself having issues with 3 out of those 5 the article mentioned. Therefore, being as as frugal as I am, those products were way out of my price range. That’s why I took the time and found some alternatives.

Practical Ideas To Help Save Money

While there is nothing wrong with this process of advertising, there are certainly situations when using an expensive product is unavoidable. Nevertheless, I do think there are times when natural or common, less expensive products do the same job or even better. As a result, saving you money throughout the year.

Experienced Advice

The first, and what I consider to be the most important way to began having healthier hair; is being aware of what we eat. According to David Adams, a trichologist (a licensed specialist in hair and scalp health) who says; “diet plays a huge role when it comes to hair health.”

If we start from the inside out, incorporating 50 grams of protein per day to our diet. It would help us achieve healthier looking hair and skin.

Protien Helping Promote Healty Hair

Below I’ve made a list of some of the highest protein rich foods that will help you get a start in achieving this goal.

  • lean meats
  • fish
  • tofu
  • eggs
  • plant-based sources like nuts and beans

So, the first secret to making any style hair look great; is keeping your hair strong and healthy from the nutrients we eat.

Another inexpensive remedy for healthier looking hair and scalp is hot oil massages. They are one of the best ways to treat frizzy hair. Oils nourish and moisturize your hair, keeping it healthy and frizz-free. There are many different oils, each carrying their unique properties. You can choose what oils to use depending on what suits your hair best.

6 Natural Oils To Use For A Hot Oil Massage.

  • Coconut Oil
  • Almond Oil
  • Argan Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Olive Oil

(For detailed benefits of the oils listed above, and hot oil massage instructions go to: “Benefits Of A Hair And Scalp Hot Oil Message” )

There are many product lines which address the other hair issues I mentioned earlier. So many, that it can be quite confusing and expensive to find the product that works best for you. However, some words of wisdom from my personal hair dresser, “make sure the product you try has no alcohol content.” Alcohol will not only dry your hair, but also cause colored hair to lighten up faster.

I Hope you find this post informative, and it encourages you to take some time to pamper yourself.

Related Post: “4 Home Remedies For Frizzy Hair

Related Blog: “8 At-Home, All-Natural Remedies For Dry & Damaged Hair

Healthy Food Article: “The 4 Healthiest Foods to Eat for Breakfast, According to a Registered Dietitian”

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