Pros And Cons of Raising Chickens

Back Yard Chickens
Back Yard Chickens – Hey Girls

It was in the middle of COVID when the chicken craze began for me, along with thousands of other people. It took me a year of pondering and researching the pros and cons of raising chickens, before I actually embarked on the adventure.

Always Do Your Research

In today’s post, I would like to share a few tips I think everyone should know about before making the decision to raise backyard chickens. First tip; always do your research before you embark on any unfamiliar endeavor.

When doing the research I soon realized there were many pros and cons when it comes to raising backyard chickens, and I must admit, the fear of the unknown got the best of me for quite sometime.

Consider The Cons Before Raising Chickens

Some of the information I read made me feel overwhelmed, and it changed my mind about wanting to raise them for a couple of months. Below, are some of those cons that made me second guess the desire I had on becoming a chicken owner.

The potential hazards, sicknesses and troubles of raising chickens are numerous. For instance;

These are some of the concerns you should be aware of making the leap to ownership. It can be devastating for you and the chicken if you are not somewhat aware of the potential hazards that come along with this responsibility of raising chickens.

Without sounding like a pessimistic, here are a few more cons to consider (I promise I will get to the pros). You have to consider the reality of start up cost. It’s definitely something that can be expensive depending on how fancy you get with their coop, toys and treats.

And last but not least, you need a designated spot in your yard away from neighbors for their droppings.

Although there are alot of cons I set before you, don’t get discouraged. Take a look at the pros before you make a decision.

Some Pros Of Raising Chickens

  • Fresh eggs. Once you’ve tasted the difference between store bought eggs and the fresh ones your chickens will lay, you’ll never want store bought again.
  • Compost for your garden. If you love organic, you can’t get any more organic than using your chicken’s droppings in your your garden. There are so many tutorials on this subject. Click here to find a few. “Using Chicken Droppings In Your Garden”
  • They make great pets. If you want more than egg producers, you will have to handle your chicks from day one. Not only are they friendly, they’re also trainable and intelligent creatures. “How Intelligent Are Chickens?”

The process of researching both the pros and cons of raising chickens was good for me. If I went into it blindly, I would’ve gotten overwhelmed easily and gave up. But because all the facts were laid out in front of me, I was able to see the challenges I faced to make a decision. In the end, I’m glad the pros won me over.

Actually, it was persistence, knowledge and the love I have for animals that helped me get back on track and see what I really wanted.

Here I am two years later, and I still feel it was the right decision for me. There have been some struggles along the way, but raising my chicken girls has been such a blessing in so many ways.

Thanks for reading, I hope it’s been helpful. View my related Post “The Essentials Of Raising Chickens” for more information on raising backyard chickens.

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