Splattered Paint

Splattered Paint

Life at times, might seem as unpredictable as splattered paint. When indeed, our life was carefully thought out.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT

The Time Spent Together Is What Matters

Every couple of months the girls in our family get together to do a craft. Sometimes, we convince that guys to get involved, but that’s doesn’t happen too often. Usually, our group consists of my 2 daughters, 2 daughter-in-laws, 3 granddaughters and now my 2 year old grandson.

This past Sunday, our craft was making Christmas tags and cards. We used card stock with options of painting, markers, glue and sparkles, or using the cricket machine.

The girls are very creative. On the other hand, I am just an average crafter. That’s why I try to keep it simple when planning out the craft. However, for me it’s more about the time we spend together than the project itself. My older daughter says she finds it to be therapeutic, and I agree.

Not too long ago, we painted and decorated rocks. Beforehand, I asked everyone to come prepared to share a scripture, and a little bit about the word they were going to put on their stone.

When You Look At Yourself Do You See A Masterpiece?

The word I put on my stone was masterpiece. Through that word the Lord showed me how important we are to him, and that’s what He wanted me to share with the ladies that day.

I felt Jesus wanted us to know He is in every detail, like a fine artist on his painting. However, some famous paintings look as if the artist just dipped his brush in the paint and splattered it on the canvas, but this is not so with God. Imagine, the God of the universe took the time to uniquely create each one of us. He specifically and perfectly made us the way He wanted us to be, forming every part of our being; now that is pretty amazing.

So remember, your creator loves and admires you. There was no price He wouldn’t pay to be with you for all eternity.

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