Staying Connected

Is anyone else ready for Spring?

Now that February is over, Hallelujah! Every year I say the same thing, “February is the shortest but longest month of the year for me!” It never fails, towards the middle of the month I start to feel down and agitated but I’m not quite sure why it is.

Experiencing those feelings are surprising because February is one of the months my husband and I celebrate multiple occasions. There is our oldest daughter’s birthday, Valentines Day and Our anniversary. In their own special way each of those occasions are all very dear to my heart. So why do I feel so agitated? Was I suffering from (SAD, seasonal affective disorder?)

I found the answer to the question when I did some investigating on the internet. I came across an article from The Chicago Tribune called; “Feeling Cranky and Cooped Up?” In it Dr. Sidney Weissman, a professor of psychiatry at Loyola Medical Center in Maywood, talks about my exact feelings, and explains the difference between SAD and Cabin Fever.

Yes, Cabin Fever is a real thing. It is basically a state of mind caused from isolation. In the season of winter people tend to be more confined to the indoors due to cold, harsh weather. (Let’s not forget the confinement we’ve experienced due to Covid 19).

Feeling God’s Presence Through Creation

However, I can’t help but wonder if there is more to this state of mind for me than just being confined to the indoors because of the winter? For instance, the bible says in Romans 1:20; “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made.”

So, if creation shows the Glory of an invisible God then maybe it’s just that I am missing. Not being able to feel the presence of God through His creation.

I have always been an admirer of nature so for me I think my Cabin Fever has more to do with the absence of the beauty of nature, than actually the isolation itself.

The article I mentioned earlier gives some practical examples of how to combat the feelings of cabin fever. The one I decided to try myself this year was “growing flowering plants.” I figured by investing my time, minimal money and energy into something I love, could only help improve my mood.

So as soon as our local stores got their seasons houseplants in, my daughter and I were there purchasing. Not only did we spend quality time together doing something we love, we were also refreshed in our spirits by the growth of new life.

In your season of waiting, find ways to stay connected to your creator.


Below are photos of just a few houseplants I chose to bring into my home.

Peace Lilly
Peace Lilly
Frosted Fern
Frosted Fern
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