Taming A Desire

Taming A Desire

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband
Genesis 3:6

Saw the fruit was good

Questions To Ask When A Desire Is Brewing, and When Unexpected Decisions Need To Be Made

How do you respond whenever a desire for something or someone starts to brew in your heart? Or you find yourself in a situation where an unexpected decision needs to be made. Maybe consider asking yourself these few questions below, before quickly acting on your impulse:

  1. If you pursue the present desire will it truly be nourishment for your body and spirit? (“When the woman saw that the fruit was good for food.”)
  2. Is the person or thing your desiring going to produce more than the fantasy your envisioning? (Pleasing to the eye.)
  3. If you do partake in pursuing the desire even if it’s an innocent one, will it help you to grow? Will it further you in true wisdom? (“Desirable for gaining wisdom.”)
  4. Will the act your contemplating effect someone else in a negative way? (“She also gave some to her husband.”)

My Prayer

“Lord when we are confronted with a decision or a questionable desire, help us to look to your word before acting. Lead us by your Holy Spirit to make decisions which will be beneficial to us, and others. Let us not be reckless in our decision making but look to you for wisdom. In Jesus’ Name I pray.”

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