The Faith of a Mother

The Faith of a Mother

Then Jesus answered, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

A Mother’s Request

“‘HOW DID HE HEAL ME, Mother? Were you there when it happened?’
‘My daughter, you ask me to tell you a story you’ve heard many times.’
‘I know, Mother.’ The young girl paused as if she were in deep thought. ‘But I still don’t understand how Jesus could heal me when he wasn’t even there in my room.’
‘You speak of a great mystery as if I can tell you the answer. I don’t know how he did it. I just know he did. Now, come. We have much to do today.’
Her daughter was not quite ready just yet. She slowly lifted her eyes to meet her mother’s. ‘You must have loved me very much to go to him.’
‘Yes, very much, my daughter.’ Her mother smiled and tousled the young girl’s hair.
This Canaanite mother knew she would never be able to express just how much she loved her child. How much she’d risked to save her. How far she’d pushed. How great her faith.
She could hardly bear to think back to the time when her daughter had been so sick that she’d almost lost her. Her pale skin, now ruddy with health, had then made her look more like an old spirit than a young girl. Her worst fear had come true before her eyes: her daughter was dying.
Is it any wonder that this mother would not take no for an answer from Jesus? Her faith compelled her to push past any limits. Love propelled her to pursue him with all her heart. Despite the fact that Jews regarded Canaanites as longtime enemies and even subhuman, she dared to make her request. She was willing to risk being seen as a fool, a “dog” no less, if it meant her daughter would live.
The girl took up her basket. ‘I’m ready, Mother.’
Her mother smiled. It was worth every risk. Every single one.”

Although, this was a fictional story of an event that actually took place many years ago, it is also something mother’s throughout the world do daily. There maybe cultural differences from the mothers in Jesus’ day and the mothers of today. Nevertheless there are some things that are instinctual factors of a mother that no time or culture can change.

As it happened with the Canaanite woman in this story, many mothers of today are interceding for their children without their children’s awareness. Most mothers risk, sacrifice, and love their children on a daily basis. Over time, the amount of hours a mother spends in prayer, and in deep concern for their children is astronomical.

So if you are not a mother yet, do not take your mom for granted. Show her more often that you respect, appreciate, and love her. Remember we are not guaranteed there will be a tomorrow.

For those of you who are mothers; I know you can relate to the Canaanite woman. I am confident you too would go to any extreme to save your child.

However, try not to get caught up in the business of life, and neglect spending quality time building memories with them. Just as you have memories to share with your mom.

For those of us who have unfortunately lost our moms, let’s cherish the memories we have. I love sitting around the table with our family reminiscing about the time we had together.

Yet, it’s when I’m alone I have my fondest memories of her. For instance, it’s the times she comforted me when I got sick. How she would rub my back with one hand while she ran her fingers through my hair with the other hand, and tell me I was going to be alright. Or when I was upset, she held me close and rocked me back and forth. Those are the memories I thank God for.

This Mother’s Day celebrate your mom by showing her with an appreciative attitude.

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