The Greatest Christmas Gift

Jesus gave the greatest gift

What do you consider to be the greatest Christmas gift that you’ve ever received?

The Gift of Christmas

Fun Celebrating Christmas

It brought us great joy on Christmas morning when our kids were little, to see their faces as they opened their gifts. We tried to come up with new ideas each year to make it extra special for them.  For example; One year my husband came up with an idea to run fishing line from our bedroom at the top of the stairs, down into the foyer.  He attached bells to the end of the fishing line, and hid them on the side of the radiator. 

The Christmas tree stood in the living room adjacent to the foyer, where we put the presents after the kids went to sleep on Christmas Eve. The plan was for my husband to pull on the line from our bed, early Christmas morning. In turn the kids would hear the bells, and think it was Santa with his reindeer leaving presents under the tree.

The Excitement Of Christmas Morning

Our oldest son woke up at the crack of dawn that Christmas morning. As he went to wake up his sisters, my husband started to pull on the line and the bells began to jingle.  After a few minutes passed, our girls came in our bedroom first. Our son followed soon after.  As they began to tell us about “a noise they heard that sounded like bells.” We were convinced they believed it was Santa and his reindeer.  It took my husband and I all we had in us to control our laughter, as we laid there in bed together.

It was always exciting to see our children having fun, and using their imaginations, which is why I told them the story of St. Nicholas at an early age.

The Story Of The Real St. Nicholas

The real St. Nicholas was born March 15, 270 AD and died December 6, 343 AD.  He was from a village called Patara in Asia Minor.  His wealthy parents raised him to be a devout Christian. However, they died from an epidemic when he was still young. 

Fortunately, he dedicated his life to serving God and loving people as Jesus would, in spite of the loss he suffered.  He also became Bishop of Myra while he was still a young man. It was said; “Nicholas felt Jesus telling him to ‘Sell what you own and give the money to the poor’ and he obeyed.” He used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. 

Bishop Nicholas, also known as “Sint Nikolaas” nicknamed “Sinter Klaas,”  became known for his generosity to those in need, and his love for children.

Even though he did many miraculous deeds, at some point he was exiled and imprisoned for his faith.  Remarkably, when he was released from prison he continued to work for Christ the rest of his years before he died. 

Santa Claus is just a myth today, but the whole reality of Christmas is about giving.

The Center Of Christmas

While we took pride in our accomplishment in making Christmas special for our kids each year, we brought them up with Christ and His love for us always being the center of our Christmas.

Last week when I was reading about the “Widow’s Mite” in Luke 21: 1-4, my heart was pierced as I thought of the depth of her giving. The Scripture reads;

As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury.  He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others.  All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

The Bible also tells us that God looks at the heart and perceives the motives behind our actions. Jesus considered the widow’s two small copper coins as the greatest gift given for God that day.

However, the greatest gift we will ever receive was the gift God gave us in Jesus.  For those who put their faith in trust in Him,  He is our savior who gives us eternal life.

So, as we celebrate Christmas this year with our family and friends honor the author of Christmas.  By giving Him the greatest gift we can give, our hearts!


Song: “Mary Did You Know” by Clay Aiken

Related Blog: “Alive And Active”

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