The Power of Intercession Through Prayer

The Power of Intercession Through Prayer
This past week, I got to learn how intercession through prayer made powerful differences in people’s lives.

At our previous weekly family Bible study, we were discussing how Abraham interceded for the righteous people who were in the city of Sodom (Genesis 18:23-32). We believe his intercession spared Lot and his family from the destruction God had caused to come upon the city, because of their sin.

The next morning after the Bible study, I started my day with my usual routine: a cup of coffee while reading my Bible, and a prayer and the scriptures that go along with it; from the book
The Power of a Praying Wife,” by Stormie Omartian.

The portion of scripture I was reading was in the book of Exodus, when Moses interceded for “the stiff necked people” of Israel. I didn’t look too much into it until after I had finished, and began reading the prayer for my husband from Stormie’s book which was titled “His Protection.” However, on this day instead of just reading the prayer, I decided to read the whole chapter leading up to the prayer.

To my surprise, the topic was about interceding for your husband. It was at that point I stopped and wondered if it was just a coincidence that on three separate occasions, in the past 24 hours, when I picked up a book to read. it was about the same topic? Then I thought, “maybe God is trying to tell me something?”

What To Do For Those Who Are In The Battlefield

Stormie began the chapter with these comments;: “How many times have we heard stories about men who were on the battlefield and at the very moment when they were in the greatest danger, they experienced miraculous deliverance, only to learn later that someone back home was praying at that same moment? Our husbands are on the battle field every day. There are dangers everywhere. Only God knows what traps the enemy has laid to bring accidents, diseases, evil, violence, and destruction into our lives. Few places are completely safe anymore, including your own home. But God has said that even though ‘the wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to slay him, the Lord will not leave him in his hand” (Psalm 37:32,33). He promises that He will be ‘a shield to those who put their trust in Him’ (Proverbs 30:5). He can even be a shield to someone we pray about because of our faith.

I find the example she gives, and her last sentence to be quite moving. The power of intercession through prayer, and the fact that our faith moves God to do miracles in other people’s lives, just amazes me. So we see not only does “God Create Us For Each Other” He also created us to need, and help each other.

How To Make A Difference In Someone’s Life

Has there been a specific person God has put on your heart lately? Maybe they have a need, and God is prompting you to intercede for them in prayer. Won’t you obey the calling by stepping out with your faith, and make a difference in their life?

What To Do When You Need Someone To Intercede For You

On the other hand, maybe you’re the person who’s in a crisis, or has a need. If that’s the case: yes, God can lead someone to intercede for you, but sometimes we need to put ourselves out there and ask for help. So if this is you the one in need; reach out to someone/some organization that will pray and be able to help you. We all find ourselves at our wits end, at one time or another.

Help Resources:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Focus On The Family – Family Help Specialist: 1-800-232-6459
Your Local Church

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