
I haven’t written a blog in a week.  I’ve been unusually busy with work and its been hard trying to find time to spend with our grand kids, go to church events, and just to do everyday chores. I’m still spending time reading my Bible everyday but it’s been minimal, and because my inspiration to write comes from the Lord, it’s the reason for lack of content. However God is faithful and has still been using me in other ways to minister in my job and with my family.

This past Saturday after working an eleven hour day, I received a text from my 16 year old grandson asking me questions about the tribulation, and the end times.  I can’t tell you how honored and elated I was after receiving his text.  We went back and forth with questions and answers for awhile, then my daughter also joined the conversation.

They told me about different videos that they had watched earlier that day. One was a video of a pastor who spoke of the dreams he had about certain recent events that took place, months before they happened.  The other video was talking about the significance of President Trump, and the peace agreement between Israel and United Arab Emirates.

My end response to both my daughter and grandson was, “There is so much being said right now on the news and social media, some being true and some I’m not quite sure how true it is.  What we need to do is keep our eyes focused on Jesus, and reading His word so we will be able to discern the signs of the times for ourselves.”

After our conversation was concluded I began to read a devotional from Jentzen Franklin, and one of the things he said really stood out to me, “Life is full of unknowns, and just ‘as you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb…you cannot understand the work of God the maker of all things’ (Ecclesiastes 11:5). You don’t have to know it all or be able to predict the outcome.  Just seek God, and then act on the wisdom He gives you.” I found his statement to be confirmation for me in regards to the advice I was giving to my family just minutes earlier.

We are living in tumultuous times right now but, the one thing that is stable and unchanging is the precious Words of Christ.  As we explore the pages of the Bible, The Living Word of God we will find peace, wisdom, and hope amidst the turmoil of life. Don’t let your mind be cluttered with anything else but the Word of God, the words of your creator, who holds the keys to life and death.   

As I was looking for a song to share with you, I came across this song “Whisper” This was the first time listening to it and I was blessed by the words. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I hope it inspires you to remember the love God has for you.

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1 Comment

  1. Kathy

    Thank you Cheryl! So true where we need to focus. I loved this blog.

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