What God is Better Than You?

What God is Better Than You?

This past week or so, has been very challenging in all aspects of my life. There were numerous what I call “annoyance trials” going on in my life which happened one after another.

Seeing Potential

For instance, just over a month ago we bought a home that had been abandoned for years. The house itself needed extensive work inside and out. However, the structure of the home, and 2 car garage were in good condition so it had lots of potential. The house also sat on what we thought to be .73 acres (3/4 of an acre). The size of the land is what sold us on purchasing this house.

Seeing Is Not Always Reality

As we stood on the back porch looking at the yard which seemed to continue to the next street. We thought, “this is great we are purchasing a property with a double lot.” We never questioned it or gave it a second thought. After all why would we when the realtor’s listing, and the assessment acreage both listed the same thing?

Until one day, after putting in hours of labor and thousands of dollars worth of work into the home. My husband noticed something as he stood looking out the window. The owner of a home on the street behind us cut what we thought, was our grass.

Disclosing The Truth

This raised questions for him and we began investigating. Unfortunately for us, the outcome was not in our favor. After days of persistent phone calls we found the property was not the acreage they claimed it to be. In fact, the land was only .21, less than 1/4 acre.

We were not only disappointed, I was pretty devastated. It wasn’t just the fact we were missing a half acre from what we thought we purchased. It was the negligence and the deceitfulness of the parties involved.

New Meaning To Buyer Beware

While pursuing the truth about the property’s size, I also found the title company never paid the previous two years taxes. In fact, The Treasurer’s Department told me I had two days to pay those taxes. If I didn’t, from there the delinquency would be transferred to the Sherriff’s Dept., where the processes for public auction would begin.

Uncontrolled Circumstances

As if these “annoyance trials” weren’t enough, another one hit. While I was pursuing information trying to find out from the IRS, why we haven’t received our tax refund yet after filing months ago. I learned they misplaced four thousand dollars from an estimated tax payment we made, back in the fall of “2020”.

So after I was on the phone holding for numerous hours and days, I finally got through. Only to find out, they could see the payment I made but have no explanation to where it went. Basically, I will have to go through this process all over again in thirty days. After they told me it was sent in for review and it could take up to thirty days.

Feelings From Uncontrolled Circumstances

I have tried to paint a picture of what the past couple of weeks have looked like in my life. Now try to imagine the emotions and feelings that came along with the events. They were ones which I don’t often feel. Thank God because the feelings of anger, rage, and injustice made me into a person I wouldn’t want to be around.

Those feelings also blocked my ability to sit and focus on what inspiring blog I wanted to share with you this week. Yet here I am sharing with you. It’s only because the God of the mountain is the God of my valley, and He is faithful.

Inessential To Life

When I took the time and began worshipping Him; He once again reminded me, He is in control of ALL things. While I have to look for the resolution to some of these circumstances, I know in the end He will work out them all out. He also helped bring my focus back to what is important, and made me realize these trials are so inessential to life.

My God

What God other than the God of Heaven, our creator, can bring comfort, wisdom, peace, resolution and revelation, like He does? What God can turn bad circumstance into prosperous lessons and positive growth to our souls? What God could turn our Graves into Gardens? There is NONE other than God our Father, and Jesus our Savior!

Below are lyrics to a song that I’ve been listening to all week long. Allow the words to resonate in your heart.
Click on the title to listen.

Graves Into Gardens

I searched the world
But it couldn’t fill me
Man’s empty praise
And treasures that fade
Are never enough

Then You came along
And put me back together
And every desire
Is now satisfied
Here in Your love (Hey)

Oh, there’s nothing better than You
There’s nothing better than You
Lord, there’s nothing
Nothing is better than You
(Oh, yes I know it’s true)

I’m not afraid
To show You my weakness
My failures and flaws
Lord, You’ve seen ’em all
And You still call me friend’

Cause the God of the mountain
Is the God of the valley
There’s not a place
Your mercy and grace
Won’t find me again

Oh, there’s nothing better than You
There’s nothing better than You
Lord, there’s nothing
Nothing is better than You
(I know it’s true)

Oh, there’s nothing better than You
There’s nothing better than You
Lord, there’s nothing
Nothing is better than You

You turn mourning to dancing
You give beauty for ashes
You turn shame into glory
You’re the only one who can

You turn graves into garden
You turn bones into armies
You turn seas into highways
You’re the only one who can
You’re the only one who can

Oh, there’s nothing better than You
There’s nothing better than You
Lord, there’s nothing
Nothing is better than You

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