Wish List

Years ago when my husband and I were first married we were on a really tight budget. At the time we had three children and our family had a lot of needs, and a lot of wants. I had been a Christian for a few years at this point in time, and I knew God as my ultimate provider. In the book of Philippians 4:19 It says “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” And I believed it.

My Wish List

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So one day as I was talking to the Lord in my heart, I remember saying to Him “I’m going to make a list and check things off as you provide them for us.” There were things on the list like a microwave, pans, things the kids needed. Also, there were repairs which needed to be done to our vehicle and apartment.

Needless to say, the list ended up being pretty extensive. When it was finished, I hung it on my fridge so I would be able to see it everyday. I titled it “My Wish List.”

God’s No Genie

Let’s get this straight, I don’t look at God as my Genie. I don’t just pull out my Bible, rub it three times and make a wish whenever I need or want something. I see God as a loving Father. Someone who provides for His children and who blesses them with the desires of their heart, if it is according to His will. What do I mean by “according to His will”? I use the example of a five year old child going to their Dad asking for a ten speed bike. Is the Dad going to buy that size bike for a child who is just learning to ride? No. He is going to buy an appropriate sized bike. One which will probably have training wheels on it.

It took approximately a year and all the items were checked off my list. I remember the day that I realized there was nothing else to be checked off. The list was complete, everything had been provided. I stood in awe, overwhelmed with the presence of His love.

How God Provides

Nothing financial had changed in our lives. My husband didn’t get a big raise and we didn’t hit the jackpot. However, as I looked at each item on the list I recalled each miraculous way God provided. In that moment I knew He was a God who could be trusted. He is a God who keeps His promises.

Thirty years later, I could write a huge book containing similar stories of God’s faithfulness. How He has guided and provide for us, His children.

“Thank you God for bringing to remembrance stories of Your faithfulness. I thank you that I know you as Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I pray for my brothers and sisters In Christ who don’t know you like that, yet. May you open their eyes to see you in the roll of their Heavenly Father. And may You fill them with peace which comes from trusting in You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”

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