Worthy of your trust

Worthy of your trust

Hi everyone! This is Marissa again, Cheryl’s daughter. I was asked if I would want to do another blog and I was happy to do that since I’ve had something on my heart lately. This will be short but sweet!

Its funny how sometimes God will use your every day life to show you something, or to teach you something. About two years ago, I had moved out of my parent’s house and had purchased my own home. It was the first time I had ever been alone quite like that, with no one else there or no roommates. Shortly after I had moved in, my mother and my sister had surprised me with two kittens to make my house a home, and to keep me company. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved cats. I love dogs too, but would definitely consider myself a cat person.

One day when I was outside working on my yard, an orange cat had made his way over. He kept a good distance from me and he sat and watched my every move, observing everything I was doing. When I saw him, I of course tried to call it over so I could pet it. He had come a little bit closer, but still kept his distance, just watching. I went about my yard work and he stayed close by.

The next time I went outside, the orange cat was there again. Each day and time I was outside, this cat was consistently there. Eventually, he had made his way from my yard to my porch. He was still very curious about me, but he would not let me get close enough to touch him or pet him. He kept his distance still as he was unsure about me. He just kept observing me, and learning me. It stayed this way for almost exactly a year. He would stay close on the porch, never letting me touch him. I know it sounds silly but I would talk to the cat and it almost seemed as though he was listening, the way he would look. Still though, I would leave food and water for him each day.

A year later, one day in the summer, he was on my porch close by as usual. I tried just like every other time to put my hand out, hoping he would let me pet him. He moved away again but when I put my hand out a second time, he walked up, sniffed me, and for the first time ever put his head into my hand for me to pet him. My heart was so happy. I felt like all that hard work of earning his trust and being patient had finally paid off. After that, he was happy to let me pet him every day. He finally knew me, and trusted me.

I kid you not, after this cat had finally deemed me trust worthy, he began to come over to the house with other stray neighborhood cats. Not only do I have my two fur babies in my house, but I’ve got a whole neighborhood family of cats that trust me, rely on me, and love me.

As I was sitting out on the porch the other day with them, it was heavy on my heart how alike we are to these cats. I know in my own life, I had known of God and observed God for a very long time before finally letting him touch me, before I finally trusted him. How often God will take care of us, provide, and be gentle and patiently wait for us while we observe and learn to trust him with our lives. He will stay and be patient until we are ready. When we make that first step and form a relationship, then we can’t help but bring others along too to experience what we have too.

My question for you is if you’ve been just standing back and observing God, and if you’re ready to reach out to God and let him touch you. He is worthy to be trusted. He will draw close, guide you, take care of you, and love and adore you, every day.. if you will let him. He is waiting for you

Friends and family joke that I am the real cat lady. I am happy to claim that title if it means that my porch can be a safe haven for the lost and the ones in need. It’s a place they can come to get rest, to be taken care of, to be fed and nourished, or come to when they are scared. I know that God is the same with us!

Worthy of Your Trust
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him”.
– Jeremiah 17:7

Additional Link On Trusting God:

21 Bible Verses on Trusting God

Who Are You Trusting?

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1 Comment

  1. Jamie

    What a great example of Gods love! I love how you tied in all on together! Thank you for sharing Rissy!

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