How To Persevere In Difficult Times, And Never Quit

How To Persevere In Difficult Times

Do you consider yourself to be someone who perseveres? Or are you someone who gives up easily, and quits when life gets difficult? No matter which you are, keep reading for encouragement on how to persevere without quitting in those difficult times.

Persevering when it seems all is lost.

Did you ever put something somewhere so you wouldn’t forget where you put it? Only to find, you can’t remember where that place was? Well, that’s the same situation I found myself in this past week.

I spent two days looking for an item that I sold online, and had to ship. Usually, I’m pretty good categorizing and designating a specific area for products. Unfortunately, this time I failed to do that (so I thought)!

Praying As You Persevere

A cry for God's will and help

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

1 Chronicles 16:11

When my first search failed, the next thing I did was pray. Then I decided to give both my eyes and my brain a break. I waited about an hour before beginning another search. My husband even chimed in with the search. We looked high and low numerous times in all the typical places where it could’ve been. The typical places are certain areas in the house: garage, attic, etc., and of course in the designated place where it was suppose to be. However, the outcome was still the same.

Two days later, while sitting at the dinner table with my husband, I told him I was going to conduct one more search. This time, I was so confident I was going to find it! After spending another fifteen minutes looking in all the previous places we had already looked, I decided it was time to give up.

Encouraging Others To Persevere

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
– Galatians 6;9

I played it all out in my head, what I was going to say to my husband when I went back into the house. You see, I’m not usually a quitter. Most of the time, I’m the one encouraging my husband not to give up, especially when it comes to finding things. Unfortunately, it was my turn needing the encouragement; this time I was the one so frustrated and wanting to give up, I was the one who wanted to quit.

Maybe it wasn’t just about not finding something that made me so frustrated. I think deep inside, it was really about the trial I was going through. Ya know, the ones life seems to frequently throw your way, making you so weary that you just don’t feel like putting in the effort.

Who Gives You Strength To Persevere?

I had this all planned out, but as I entered the house, I felt something inside telling me not to quit. To look one more time in the designated area I assigned it to.

Being obedient to the feeling and voice I heard inside of me, I went to the original place on the shelf in the garage where it should have been, and sure enough there it was.

I can’t explain why my husband and I couldn’t see it the first couple of times we looked for it there. But the one thing I do know, is God was teaching me a lesson and speaking to me in an everyday situation. I believe it was His voice inside me saying “you NEVER have to give up, don’t EVER lose hope, because I am with you!”

How To Persevere In Difficult Times

Compared to some of life’s struggles we go through, losing something is small and insignificant. However, God was using this as an example for me to not give up. Not only for finding a lost item, but more so, for the trial I was presently experiencing in my life.

So. the moral of the story is: don’t give up, no matter how big or how small the problem is that you’re facing! Further more, never think your problem is too insignificant or you’re too insignificant, to ask God or someone else for help and support. After all, we’re all in this thing called life together.

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment.

For additional practical advice on how to persevere in difficult times, visit: “How To Persevere” – Husky Experience Toolkit, University Of Washington.

More from Inspired Talk Today: “When God Multiplies What We Have, It Becomes More Than Enough”

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1 Comment

  1. Kathy

    Hey Cheryl, I think the Lord knew I needed this today. Thank you my friend.

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