Where Is Peace Found?

Wellsboro, PA

“Peace is Found on The other Side of Repentance”

Where Is Your Peaceful Place?

There are places in the world you can go to feel peaceful. Like sitting on a beach watching the sunrise, as you hear the ocean waves rolling in. Or looking up at a majestic mountain while an eagle sores through the air. How about, sitting along a river at sunset seeing the silhouette of a tugboat as it follows the flow of the current?

I’ve experienced that peaceful feeling many times in such places. Maybe because I’m in awe of God’s creation, and being close to them helps me feel His presence. However, this type of peaceful feeling is associated with having to be in the presence of the place.

The Bible says that Jesus is our peace, (Ephesians 2:13-14.) It is through the shedding of Jesus’ blood for the forgiveness of our sin that brings us close to God.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9

There is no place in this world that can bring me more comfort and peace than knowing I am loved, forgiven, and in right standing with my Father, who is the Holy creator of all things.

May you know this peace that only Jesus can give.

Thanks for reading.

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Speaking of Apples:

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