Festival of Lights

Here’s My Heart Lord-Celebrating At The Festival of Lights

In two weeks, the author's younger daughter will get married, symbolizing lifelong commitment. The bachelorette party at The Lights Lantern Fest was a moving experience involving releasing troubles into a fire, and writing heartfelt messages on lanterns. The evening evoked deep reflections on faith, love, and the importance of giving one's heart to God.
The Beauty of Nature

Psalm 104:24

Photo By "Younglife.photos" Visit Instagram to View "How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures" - Psalm 104:24

How To Overcome Evil With Good

Today's writing comes with the danger of sounding like a broken record. However, it's a strong subject that has been on my heart for quite sometime. Keep reading to find out more on the hot topic of God's love and power to overcome evil with good.